Campaigners have accused the Government of putting newts before humans over its plans for an asylum seekers' centre near Bicester, writes Samantha Mcgregor.

In June, it was revealed that a colony of rare great crested newts had been discovered on Ministry of Defence land, between Piddington and Arncott, the site of the proposed centre.

Newts are protected under British and European laws and could have disrupted building at the site.

Now the Government has amended its plans for the centre to include a pond to protect the newts.

Dionne Arrowsmith, of Bicester Action Group, said: "The welfare of the newts appears to be all important, but when are they going to get their priorities in order and look at the the welfare of the local community and the asylum seekers."

A Home Office spokesman said: "We have listened carefully to the views of the local community. We believe there is a great deal of misconception about asylum seeker centres. We look forward to addressing these issues at the forthcoming public inquiry."

He said the centres would be an asset to the local community as they would provide jobs.

Plans have also been changed to include an on-site building for immigration appeals to be heard.

Mrs Arrowsmith said she failed to see any difference in having an appeals centre on or off site.