It is interesting to read about residents in various Oxford streets trying to prevent motorists driving through 'their' streets en route to somewhere else.

I always believed that ownership stopped at the front door, not on the road itself.

I have seen several near misses involving drivers and pedestrians.

It isn't always the driver who is at fault, although it is always the pedestrian who comes off worse.

I think it is important to redress the balance slightly in favour of the driver.

Sometimes it is unavoidable to get from A to Z, without driving through B, C or D.

In certain areas of Oxford, the lack of awareness of cars, shown by walkers, is appalling.

Driving from east Oxford to Greater Leys most mornings, I wince at the errors people make crossing the road. Closing streets used as rat-runs is all very well, but educating the public on how to cross the road, is equally important.

