Wantage's new beat officer plans to crack down on vandalism.

Pc Dick Carr, 44, said he would be on the lookout for vandals in the town.

Pc Carr

He has already scored one success -- helping to bring two boys, 12 and 13, to trial for vandalising a poetry installation in Betjeman Park.

The boys, who caused about £350 worth of damage, each received a four-month supervision order at Didcot youth court.

Mr Carr said: "We caught these vandals because someone who lives locally said something about it. It's all to do with community. I see myself as a liaison point between the police and people in the town."

The ex-Royal Engineer started his police career in Wantage in 1989.

He can be called on 01235 776048. Send e-mails to richard.carr@thamesvalley.police.uk