A shop owner was so infuriated by ongoing building work next door, he smashed up hoardings surrounding the premises with a sledgehammer.

John Hudson, who runs Clovers in Grove Street, Wantage, is waiting to hear whether he will be prosecuted for the damage, but says he has no regrets.

The building adjoining his shop is being developed by Wantage property company Abbey Group.

Claiming the work had been delayed, Mr Hudson said he had tried to complain through official channels, but had not been taken seriously.

Builders carrying out the work deny there has been a delay and say the hoarding was crucial for health and safety reasons.

Mr Hudson said: "I was trying to protect the public and businesses in Grove Street.

"I don't consider I did anything wrong because it was about six weeks beyond the six-week maximum for the work I was promised.

"I'd been down every channel and people had just laughed in my face."

The building is being converted into a ground-floor shop to rent, and two flats.

The managing director of Abbey Group, Robert Sturgess, did not wish to comment.

But builder Steve Collett, who has been developing the site, said the work was on target.

"We weren't allowed to do any work in front of the shop for health and safety reasons without the hoarding being there," he said.

"It was plywood sheets about 8ft by 4ft. He smashed them, the health and safety signs, my name board and padlocks on the door. It's unbelievable.

"If the police don't take him to court, I will take him to civil court."

A spokesman for Wantage police said the matter was being investigated.