A pub has installed CCTV cameras in a bid to combat petty crime.

The small shopping parade at Bowmont Square, off Shakespeare Drive, Bicester, has been plagued by vandalism, gangs of teenagers hanging around and incidents of antisocial behaviour.

Mr Thomas, left, and Mr Stevens outside the pub

But in a bid to tackle the problem, Hugh Thomas and Paul Stevens, who own The Final Whistle pub, formerly The Shakespeare, in Bowmont Square, have installed 12 closed circuit television cameras to keep watch on the area.

The initiative is being run in conjunction with the police, who have stepped up patrols in the area, and Cherwell District Council.

Mr Thomas, 41, said the digital system had cost £11,000. It has six cameras inside the premises and a further six outside facing the community hall, car park and shops.

Mr Thomas said: "There has been a lot of vandalism and things in the area, so the shops, police, council and us got together to decide on an action plan."

Although the system has only been installed for two weeks, Mr Thomas said: "It's had an effect. It's still too early to say, but I think people know it is there."

Pc Bob Farmer, area beat officer, said the area had been a cause for concern for the police, and he commended the pub's owners for installing the CCTV.

He said: "Paul and Hugh have gone to considerable expense and are sharing the system with the surrounding area.

"Hopefully it will give people a greater sense of comfort."

He said police will be able to use any CCTV footage as evidence.

Pc Annie Wadley, the town's nuisance co-ordinator, said the police had been targeting the area and it had led to a reduction in calls from residents.

She said: "The pub having the CCTV cameras is going to help all of us."