Soldiers at Didcot's Vauxhall Barracks pledged £450 in one afternoon to help save the life of a stray cat.

Compo enjoys rest and recuperation

The white and tabby tom, nicknamed Compo, suffered a fractured skull and broken jaw after being hit by a car outside the barracks' main gates in Foxhall Road.

He was taken to Larkmead Veterinary Surgery, but despite trying to keep the charges to a minimum, vet Tim Hutchinson estimated treatment would cost at least £300.

Compo -- taken from the traditional term given to the Army's composite rations -- was found on November 18.

He had no collar or identification chip.

Contracts manager Sue Henderson-Smith, pictured with retired Army officer Steve Harmon, who is looking after Compo at his home in Harwell, appealed to colleagues to help raise money to save the cat.

She said: "I asked for £300 -- and by 4pm I had received £450. It was a wonderful response."