Repair work on the road where builder Ian Beesley dug up a speed hump has been carried out.

Oxfordshire County Council said part of Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford, was left in a "dangerous state" by Mr Beesley.

He destroyed the hump after complaining he was kept awake at night by the noise of lorries going over it.

County council project engineer Andrew Vidovic said: "We had to do something to make it safe so we have sloped the surface from the path to the road.

"Children cross here to get to school everyday and there's lots of pedestrians and cyclists who could have tripped up.

"This is an emergency measure and we're still considering what long-term action to take."

The council said the hump, which was installed to slow down traffic outside West Oxford Primary School, will be repaired and is considering legal action against Mr Beesley to make him pay for it.

But Mr Beesley vowed to dig up any more humps and said he was prepared to go to prison.