A charity box which had been screwed to a desk has been stolen from a shop in Oxford.

Shoe makers Ducker and Son, in Turl Street, fixed the Cancer Research UK charity box to a desk after the previous box was stolen last year.

Shop owner George Purves

But thieves wrenched it from the desk, either on November 25 or on November 23.

Co-owner of the shop George Purves said the firm would no longer be keeping a donation box in the shop and, in future, would make an annual donation from its takings.

Mr Purves, 56, said: "I feel angry it has gone again. They must have wrenched it off the desk. What is the mentality of people like that?"

He said the previous box contained about £300-£400 when it was stolen and he believed a similar amount would have been in the second box.

The box had the words Imperial Cancer Research Fund on it.

Anyone with information should call Oxford police on 01865 266333 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.