A COUPLE who first met almost 70 years ago are celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary on November 28.

Mr and Mrs Bridges

Jean and Harry Bridges met in 1934 when Jean's parents returned from Canada and moved in two doors down from Harry's family.

They started going out after attending a dance at St James' Hall, in Cowley, Oxford.

A year after they married in 1942 at St Luke's Church, Cowley, Harry went to India to serve with the Royal Artillery while Jean remained in Oxford working for Morris Motors.

After the war, the pair lived for 43 years in Wood Farm as Harry clocked up 42 years' service with Pressed Steel in Cowley. They then moved to Church Way, Iffley.

The couple, who have two sons and four grandchildren, said: "We have enjoyed 60 wonderful years together.

"We've laughed a lot and quarrelled a little, but we never let the sun set on an argument."

A party is being held for family and friends.