A rare shark caught in British waters is providing a treat for Oxford's fish fans.

This 14ft thresher shark, believed to be the biggest of its kind landed by fishermen in the past decade, was netted two miles off the Cornish coast on Monday, but is now on display in Oxford's Covered Market.

Customers are snapping up the shark meat

Hayman's Fisheries has put the 520lb shark on display in its window, and trade has been brisk.

Pictured with the shark and a steak of its meat is fishmonger Jamie Barratt.

The shark, which is expected to produce 1,000 fillets, was sold for £200 after failing to attract a buyer at Looe fish market.

A donation of £100 was also given to the Fishermen's Mission charity.

The thresher, which has never attacked humans, is so called because it is believed to use its huge tail to thrash the surface of the sea to stun schools of fish. The British record for a thresher shark caught by rod and line is 323lbs.