Heavy showers did not deter a record 150 people from spending a winter night in a churchyard to raise more than £15,000 for the homeless.

The volunteers braved wet, squelchy conditions to sleep in St Clement's Churchyard, during the annual Oxford Sleep-Out on November 23.

"The response from Oxford and further afield has been terrific," said event co-ordinator Andrew Smith.

"In spite of the damp conditions there was a fantastic atmosphere at St Clement's.

"We had several groups of young people and students taking part, as well as one young man who had pages and pages of sponsorship from his friends, donating sums of 80p and £1 each time."

The sleep-out is organised by a committee of representatives from benefiting projects and agencies, under the auspices of the Oxford Night Shelter.

Mini sleep-outs, a sleep in your own bed donation scheme and an Oxford Street Collection also raised funds for the campaign.

Mr Smith said: "A street collection in October raised nearly £1,200 and we know of a number of other groups around Oxfordshire who have organised their own sponsored mini sleep-outs.

"One man from Slough heard about the campaign on the radio, raised £400 worth of sponsorship and travelled all this way to participate."

"This is a truly magnificent response which will directly benefit a number of organisations that provide shelter and practical support to the homeless people of Oxford.

"The Oxford Sleep-Out provides a once-a-year opportunity for each of us to raise awareness, particularly among young people, of the desperate plight of the homeless."