Head into East Hagbourne on any school day morning and you will hear American military-style chanting from a stream of pupils wearing fluorescent tunics.

Children take the 'bus'

The marching song goes: "Hagbourne Walking Bus is cool, it takes us to our very own school."

The song was composed by the 60 children who join the village's two walking buses.

A group of them are pictured, behind Mark Sutherland and Jayne Parker, who run the Fleet Meadow and Green Close walking bus services respectively.

Richard Jones, headteacher at Hagbourne CofE Primary School, said: "It was started as an experiment and has been so successful that it is one of the leading walking buses in the whole county."

The bus is simply a group of children who walk to school under supervision.

It was launched last year by Mr Sutherland, a governor. His children Rebecca, seven, and James, eight, are both pupils at the school.

For more information call the team on 01865 810474 or visit www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/travelwise