Farmers' markets will be held in Wallingford on four Saturdays next year after the town council granted permission in a move hailed as a boost for shopkeepers.

It followed opposition from some councillors, who felt that holding such markets once a month was sufficient in conjunction with the town's regular Charter Market, held every Friday.

Theresa Jordan said no other place in Oxfordshire held farmers' markets more than once a month.

Member Adrian Payne said residents were often woken early by the noise of stallholders setting up, and councillor Pat Granados was concerned that charities, used to collecting donations in the Market Place on Saturdays, would lose out.

But they were defeated by six votes to three.

John Beeton said people wanted a Saturday market as an alternative to shopping at Waitrose's supermarket at the weekend.

Richard Wooldridge said: "It's marvellous that the Market Place is being used.

"We have a wonderful Christmas tree but the rest of the place is empty."

Pat Hayward, chairman of Wallingford Business Partnership, had consulted town centre shopkeepers.

Forty-three traders replied, of which 22 favoured farmers' markets on a Saturday. Eleven preferred Sunday and 10 suggested other days.

Following the town council's decision to sanction markets on a trial basis on four Saturdays next year, Mrs Hayward, who organises the farmers' markets, said she was delighted.

She said: "Well done town council. It's something the town has wanted and will be welcomed by shopkeepers, because these markets attract a lot of people to Wallingford and stop them shopping in other towns."