Householders have been warned to be on their guard after conmen targeted elderly people in distraction burglaries.

Two men posing as water board officials knocked at the door of a 90-year-old woman's door in London Road, Wheatley, on May 5.

They claimed they needed to turn off her water supply because of pigeons in her roof.

While they were in the kitchen, two other men entered the house and asked for her pension book.

When she refused to give it to them, they quickly left her home.

In a separate incident, two men -- again claiming to be water board officials -- gained entry to the home of an 88-year-old woman in Blackstone Road, Wallingford.

While one man walked into the kitchen, the second went upstairs.

When the pair had left, the woman realised that some money had been stolen from a bedroom.

Det Sgt Mark Weston, of Abingdon CID, said: "I advise people to always ask for identification before they let anyone into their homes.

"If in any doubt, householders should telephone the company that callers claim to represent to check that they are genuine. They can also contact their local police station.

If anyone has any doubts, then don't let a caller through the door.

"Remember, it is your home, and you have every right to do this."

One of the men is described as white, fair-skinned with short ginger hair. He spoke with an Irish accent.

The second man was white, with blue eyes and short brown hair.

There are no details of the other two men involved.

Anyone with information should call Abingdon police on 01235 555888.