Vandals are leaving a trail of damage around Witney and caused one boy to spend his half-term holiday nursing a sore foot after cutting it badly on glass.

David Wiblin

They have been disrupting work on the new skateboard park on The Leys recreation ground as well as throwing glass into the paddling pool. Other recreation grounds in the town have also been damaged and plastered with graffiti.

David Wiblin, 12, of Mallard Close, was playing football with friends on Bank Holiday Monday when the ball went over a fence into the pool.

His mother Sharron Lewis said: "He took his shoes and socks off and went into the pool to retrieve the ball and stood on a piece of broken glass inside the pool. He cut his foot badly. If it were not for a passer-by who had first aid training the situation could have been a lot worse. He had to have treatment at the minor injuries unit at Witney Hospital and he can't put any weight on his foot at the moment.

"I want to warn other parents of the danger of broken glass in the pool. I know young people drink in the area and I think some sort of security should be installed to prevent this happening again."

Town council technical officer Janine Howells said: "The pool, which is fenced off, was not open and I understand David climbed over the gate.

"Unfortunately, we seem to have a group of young people who are throwing things into the paddling pool including bottles. The pool has been cleaned and is now open for the summer with an attendant on duty during the day."

The town council is opening a skateboard park at the cost of £60,000 the end of this month.

Miss Howells said: "Youngsters have been pulling down the fence and gaining access after the contractors finish work each day. They've been riding their bikes on concrete which has not set properly so it's adding to the work.

"They are eager to use it but don't seem to understand that it is dangerous while the work is being carried out.

"When the skateboard park is finished a mobile CCTV camera will be installed and we hope the police will step up patrols."

A helter-skelter on the Deer Park estate had to be removed after being damaged. The equipment will cost about £1,500 to replace.

Miss Howells said: "There has also been a lot of graffiti up there which we have cleared off but it has come back again."