There are fears that the re-organisation of secondary schools in Banbury could cause traffic problems in the town.

Oxfordshire County Council's highway engineers have been asked to carry out a full traffic impact assessment on the proposal to close Drayton School, transfer its pupils to Banbury School and relocate Blessed George Napier School on the Drayton site.

The request was made by town, district, and county councillor Kieron Mallon at a meeting of the Banbury traffic advisory committee, which represents the interests of the town on road and transport matters.

Before the meeting on Tuesday, June 3, he said: "I want the county council to look closely at traffic at the three schools.

"For the last three years the county has been trying to reduce north/south journeys in Banbury, but if the schools re-organisation goes ahead, as suggested, there will be an increase in that traffic.

"Schools traffic is horrendous at the moment. Residents in Springfield Avenue are fed up of coaches and cars jamming the road."

Mr Mallon said the county council had to start thinking "across borders". He said: "It's time different departments started thinking what impact their decisions might have on other issues."

David Robertson, Oxfordshire County Council's executive member for transport and highways, said: "We would want to carry out a traffic assessment if the schools proposal goes through.

"We would have to look at the impact on traffic and take account of any new situation that might arise."

The proposal to re-organise secondary schooling in Banbury is the subject of a feasibility study at the moment.