Oxford City Council is right to crack down on troublesome tenants who make their neighbours' lives a misery.

There is nothing worse than living next door to people who are rowdy, bad-tempered or guilty of other acts of anti-social behaviour.

The weakness of the current policy is that the council can evict people one day, then be forced to re-house them the next.

There is no incentive for tenants to improve their conduct if they know they will be given another home.

New measures being planned by the council have more teeth, removing the automatic right to be re-housed.

Tenants will be considered for a council property only when they have demonstrated that they have changed.

Of course, as residents' groups point out, there is always a danger that tenants will find housing elsewhere, possibly with housing associations.

It is vital that the council and housing associations work together.

The new policy should send a clear message to those intent on disrupting other people's lives, that their behaviour will no longer be tolerated.

Everyone has a right to live in peace and harmony.