A bus company says it is increasingly alarmed by a spate of attacks in which objects including bricks and billiard balls were hurled at 10 of its vehicles in 11 days.

The lives of passengers and drivers has been put in jeopardy by youths "stoning" vehicles, mainly in Headington and Barton in Oxford. Part of a brick smashed through the doors of an Oxford Bus Company bus in Gladstone Road, Headington, at about 8pm last Wednesday (December 1).

Oxford Bus Company commercial manager Phil Clark said: "We have also had incidents in Grovelands in Kidlington and in Wood Farm, Oxford.

"We are very worried about this current spate of incidents. The fact that somebody has not been injured is pure luck because these attacks are random."

The brick attack followed an attack that evening near Gladstone Road in which Stagecoach's Oxford Tube service was hit by a stone at about 7.40pm.

Anyone with information about the incidents should call the police on 08458 505505.