Both my sons went to Peers School at Littlemore, Oxford, then on to university.

I do not recognise the school that Ken Beames insults (Oxford Mail, January 31).

Peers received A grades for added value in 2001 and 2002. In 2001, it had the most improved school attendance in the country.

In the specialist schools ranking for UK schools 2004, Peers came higher than other Oxfordshire specialist schools.

Its recent Ofsted leadership and management performance rating was good. Shall I go on?

Peers staff are dedicated and hardworking way beyond the call of duty.

Of all the Oxford schools I know (and I know several), they are the most understanding and supportive of individual students, whatever their ability.

They are, however, struggling against the odds -- underfunded and overcrowded.

Too many Blackbird Leys children with low achievement levels?

Yes, indeed, but the real culprits are to be found in the corridors of Westminster, not in the Peers' staff room.


Meadow Lane

