Shopkeepers and residents are being urged to have their say on the use of surveillance cameras to deter trouble in a village square.

Posters and leaflets are going out around Grove inviting views and opinions to be e-mailed or posted to the parish council, which is considering the action to tackle problems of under-age drinking and suspected drug dealing in Millbrook Square.

Some shopkeepers and customers said they would prefer to see more police on duty in the busy village centre, but CCTV cameras might help people feel safer.

District councillor for Grove David Phillips said he raised the idea of camera surveillance after shops were broken into and a woman mugged as she walked across the square.

There have also been reports of drug dealing and under-age drinking.

Parish council chairman Frank Parnell urged villagers to let the council know their views, adding: "We have been working closely with the police on reducing crime, and CCTV is just one option."

Council member Roz Hicks-Greene said: "While recognising the possible civil liberties issues in the increasing use of CCTV, I feel the parish council should investigate this as a contribution to the effective policing of this area."

A Thames Valley Police spokesman urged people to report any problems or incidents.