SIR -- You report that the Vale of White Horse District Council has turned down an application by David Duffy for a dental practice in Stert Street, Abingdon (Oxford Mail, March 18).

Councillors need to have their heads examined, let alone their teeth.

At a time when many shops in city centres are closing and the country is facing a shortage of dentists willing to provide NHS dental service, I would have thought any council would have gladly welcomed them.

The council has acted in a high-handed manner.

By turning down this application, it has deprived many people of a service which would have benefited them.

The losers are those who need dental treatment, but can ill afford the high charges of private dentistry.

I am pleased that Mr Duffy has a practice in Littlemore and, as a longstanding patient, I am sure I speak for many when I say how much we appreciate having access to NHS dental care, and his dedication.


Rivermead Road

Rose Hill
