Oxford cyclists have hit the headlines once more and for all the wrong reasons, writes Andrew Smith.

An Oxford Mail survey revealed the extent to which basic road regulations are being flouted when six of the two-wheeled brigade were spotted weaving through the pedestrian-only Cornmarket Street in the space of 40 minutes.

Just imagine the chaos if car drivers decided to take the same attitude.

Confronted with a set of traffic lights, why don't we just power our way through, swerving through oncoming vehicles and pedestrians?

Or at every junction and roundabout we could just turn left or right without bothering to indicate.

Of course you wouldn't expect any driver to do these things and fortunately not many do. If they did, the road networks would grind to a halt and gridlock would result.

But many cyclists take the law into their own hands -- but are the first to complain if someone carves them up.

At school I took the National Cycling Proficiency Test which gave a basic grounding on how to ride on the roads. Perhaps it should now become law for all cyclists to sit a basic test and stop breaking the law.