An Oxfordshire-based training specialist is looking for 18 qualified building workers to train and assess people starting their careers in the construction industry.

The Cowley-based training and consultancy company, OCDA, has won a £118,000 grant to help boost skills in the building industry.

OCDA was once the Oxfordshire Co-operative Development Agency, but stopped being a formal co-operative seven years ago and now wants to be known by its initials.

The money, from the Learning and Skills Council, will enable OCDA to train construction assessors - people who go on to building sites to assess the level of skills of staff as they work. Any skill gaps are filled with training so that building staff can gain their trade qualification - NVQ level 2 - or craft qualification at level 3.

Managing director Jon Cross said: "Creating the on-site assessors and trainers is crucial. The industry is now demanding more staff with a high standard of proven skills."

OCDA is targeted to train up to 12 fully qualified assessors, with another six targeted to achieve a foundation level training qualification. Up to 20 construction companies across Oxfordshire are taking part, from large housing associations to small specialists in period buildings. Mr Cross said: "We are looking for qualified, construction people with years of experience to train as assessors for their trades.

"They'll probably be aged from 40 - 69 but we'll look at anybody who's interested and has the right background."