SIR - I agree with Adrian Smith and Keith Stevens (Oxford Mail, March 25 and 27) about the Albanian thief who stole from parking meters in Oxford and walked away laughing.

He should be kicked out pronto.

If Tony Blair and Co were doing their job, we would not have people like him in our country.

We have Mr Blair travelling the world shaking hands with murderers, and his side kick, John Prescott, spluttering and fumbling along. It is no wonder this country is a shambles.

Mr Blair has just surrendered 1,000 years of British history in a secret deal at a Brussels EU summit, and Mr Prescott tells us that there will be 260,000 homes to be built in the south-east.

No doubt half of them will be needed for needy immigrants - let's hope they are honest. I suggest Mr Blair rounds up the criminals among them and boots them out, if he can find them. The damage is now done. God help us.


Twin Oaks

