Gay couples will have the chance to take part in blessing and commitment ceremonies at a festival in Oxford.

Oxford Pride, a free event celebrating the county's gay community on May 1, is offering gay couples the chance to formally celebrate their relationship in front of friends and family, a month after the Civil Partnerships Bill was introduced.

Oxfordshire County Council's registration service will be launching its new commitment ceremony service for lesbian, gay and heterosexual couples at the festival.

Father John Hyde, of the Open Episcopal Church in Poole, will also be offering blessings for same-sex couples on the day.

Father John, who has run blessings chapels at Brighton and Cardiff Pride, said: "Blessings are important because it shows a commitment of love between two people, sanctified by the promises and vows that they make to each other and to God.

"Several people have told me that their relationship feels different after it has been blessed."

Margaret Wickett, superintendent registrar for the county council, said: "Although commitment ceremonies currently have no legal status, the services are often performed in the presence of friends and family and conducted by a registrar.

"The service includes promises to each other, and music and readings that hold special memories. The registrar will work with the couples to personalise the ceremony. Each couple receives a commemorative certificate and also signs an entry in the commitment register."

Oxford Pride takes place at Oxpens field, in Oxford, from noon to 7pm on May 1.

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