The Government's Housing Corporation has allocated £9m to develop affordable homes in south Oxfordshire.

It is part of a social housing grant of nearly £50m for more than 1,000 affordable homes accross Oxfordshire.

The successful bid was made on behalf of South Oxforshire District Council and its partner Registered Social Landlords - Soha Housing, Catalyst and the Bromford Group.

Funding has also been made available for key workers. Interested workers should visit to find out if they are eligible for a grant up to £34,000 or to check if they are a key worker.

The district council's cabinet member for housing, Dorothy Brown, said: "I'm pleased that we have secured such a significant sum of money in south Oxfordshire to provide more, desperately needed, affordable homes for local people."

She added: "By taking the lead with out partners and putting together strong bids, we have secured £9m - a sum that exceeds our expectations."