A councillor's campaign to boost numbers on the Anthony Nolan bone marrow register is gaining momentum.

Over the next few months, two more special clinics will be held in Bicester in a bid to get as many people as possible to join the national register and give someone the gift of hope.

The campaign is being spearheaded by Carol Steward, who has life threatening leukaemia and is undergoing chemotherapy to prepare for a bone marrow transplant.

She was given just weeks to live after initial chemotherapy failed, but the mother-of-one has been given a last chance to beat the disease by having a bone marrow transplant.

Mrs Steward, 56, has found a match on the register, but launched Carol's Campaign after she discovered the database only had 350,000 names nationwide -- giving patients only a two per cent chance of finding a match.

The first clinic took place on Tuesday, July 13, at Bicester Community College, in Queens Avenue, and about 25 people signed up to give a simple blood sample.

Mrs Steward said the groundwork had been laid and she hoped there would be a big response to forthcoming clinics.

She said: "May I say a heartfelt 'thank you' to everyone who volunteered their time and especially to residents in and around Bicester who donated blood to the Anthony Nolan register last Tuesday.

"There are thousands of people around the country whose only hope of life is a bone marrow transplant, that's after receiving countless units of blood and platelets (a blood derivative) and gruelling chemotherapy to enable them to receive a transplant.

"It is hope and support that keeps sufferers of leukaemia going and my thanks go to everyone who has sent me cards, letters and prayers, many from strangers, which have kept me positive through the past few months.

"I would not be here today unless a donor had been found for me, so I know just how grateful every recipient of bone marrow feels and our donors can be rightly proud of their selfless act, as I feel proud to have been a small part of the day. Thank you everyone."

Mrs Steward's stepdaughter Jo, 37, also joined the register this week. She said: "It was the kick I needed to finally get on and do it."

The next clinic is due to be held at Bicester Village on Tuesday, August 3.

Bicester Round Table is also organising an evening clinic for Monday, September 20.