Sir - Oxfordshire highways department has again resurfaced roads on the cheap by spreading gritty, dusty fragments of broken gravel and letting motorists do the work for nothing by repeatedly grinding it in.

Is the department so bereft of funds from council taxpayers and the Government that it cannot do the job properly in the time-honoured fashion by the use of asphalt?

So the 'work' will eventually be settled and finished at the cost of motorists' cracked windscreens, damaged bodywork and dust damaging the lungs by being sucked into the car.

Of course, the council's legal department has long covered the council from claims with its advice to put up 10mph signs. However, in the real world, windscreens and bodywork can still incur damage even at 10mph, either from their own car, or someone else's car in front or coming towards you at 10 mph, or as we have all experienced, other drivers overtaking at speeds well in excess of 11 mph!

Has the highways department anything to say in reply?

Danny Darcy

Westfield Road

Long Wittenham