Calls for a rethink of a futuristic-looking building that one trader says could make Abingdon a "laughing stock" have been rejected.

The Co-op is to replace its existing 40-year-old building in West St Helen Street with a contemporary design that has stirred a mixture of anger and praise among councillors, traders and shoppers.

Some say the Vale of White Horse District Council should have a rethink because the controversial redevelopment was passed by only one vote, but council leader Jerry Patterson says the decision stands and will not be referred to a full council meeting. He added: "The development control committee has the power to approve planning applications. Sometimes they are controversial and are approved or rejected by narrow majorities, as was the case over the Co-op plan. Only once in the 30-year history of the Vale has an issue been referred back to a full council meeting. If we go down this road then all sorts of things could get referred up, delaying decision making and risking issues going down political and not planning roads."

There was a tied vote of eight/eight and one abstention. It was down to the casting vote of the committee chairman Richard Farrell who favoured the scheme. Mr Farrell said the design was "absolutely terrific" and something that would enhance the street scene.

He added: "We cannot continue trying to recreate old-style buildings. "Every generation must put its own stamp on the community and I believe this new building will add to the character of Abingdon."

Paul Heast, owner of Glendale Electrical Service next door to the Co-op, said: "I am appalled. Other premises in the street have been improved in keeping with the old style but this Co-op building will make Abingdon a laughing stock.

"Only one vote allowed this contemporary design.

"Something so crucial to Abingdon as this surely deserves more consideration and I think the council should take another look at it." Regular visitor to Abingdon Madge Davies, 67, from Radley described the design as an "abomination" totally out of character with an old street.

She said: "In other parts of the street and town they have tried to recreate the old buildings and the town's character but this is totally out of place. It was passed by only one vote and the council should have a re-think."

Although having some sympathy with the Co-op's contemporary design the owner of Frugal Foods near the Co-op Val Stoner believes it is out of place in a conservation area.

"It is an interesting design with its curved frontage. I like it. Its fun and maybe just what the town needs but not in West St Helen Street. The council should have another look at it."

Gez Samuel, 42, from Dalton Barracks agreed: "They must do something with this awful building but I am not sure a futuristic design is the answer. In 20 or 30 years time we might be saying its tacky and horrible just like the present building."

Helen Yates, 25, of Whitethorns Way, Drayton, said she liked the contemporary design

but had doubts about it blending into the old street scene.

She added: "There is something about the design that I like. It is definitely different to the existing building but will it stick out like a sore thumb? I'm not sure."