SIR -- It was with disgust that we read the proposal by senior Oxfordshire Labour politician John Power that subsidies for rural bus services should be withdrawn (Oxford Mail, August 18).

His statement that "we're wasting taxpayers' money in pursuit of failed transport policies that do not fit in with the lifestyle of the majority of people in this county" is one of the most narrow-minded and socially exclusive statements we have heard in a long time.

As Conservative county councillors with subsidised rural bus services in our areas, we know that they provide the only means of transport for many people to do basic things like going shopping, getting to work and reaching Oxford hospitals.

It is a major issue for the elderly and also for those under-18, for whom these services are crucial.

The hypocrisy of this proposal is quite outstanding.

Mr Power and his Labour colleagues are quick to criticise car drivers and try to force them on to buses and cycles with gimmicks such as 'Car Free Days'.

Now they want to take away some of the most-needed buses, too.

What do they want people from rural areas to do -- walk everywhere?




JOHN HOWELL (Dorchester)

RODNEY ROSE (Wychwood)




(Henley North)

Oxfordshire County Council