There would be huge disappointment if plans for a multiplex cinema in Didcot were abandoned, according to a senior district councillor.

Critics of the plans including householders in Victorian railway cottages who will be overshadowed by the cinema were told "the design has already been changed more than once".

John Flood, South Oxfordshire District Council's cabinet member for Didcot, told South Oxfordshire District Council's planning committee that a poll in the town showed people wanted a cinema more than anything else.

"If it does not come about, there will be a strong reaction," said Capt Flood who was speaking before the committee unanimously backed the council's own planning application for a five-screen cinema on the present Station Road public car park.

Planning officer Catherine Scotting said the 1,730 sq m cinema would be sited in the north eastern corner of the car park next to the one-time railway cottages which are in a Conservation Area.

While she accepted that the building would overshadow and cause loss of light in two of the cottages, the architect had tried to minimise the bulk of the building.

Costing £4.5m -- seating some 900 people -- the cinema will be built and paid for by the council and leased to an operator Cine UK which trades as Cineworld.