Oxford Stadium are staging a hectic week of speedway action at this week, with no fewer then three meetings in 48 hours.

The action gets under way with a Conference League double-header tonight when the Silver Machine Academy twice take on the Mildenhall Fen Tigers - once in the league and then in a KO Cup semi-final.

And it's the latter the Academy will have their eyes on, as they went down by only eight points in the first leg.

However, their hopes have been scuppered with the injuries to Chris Mills (broken collar bone) and Sam Martin (broken femur).

Rider-replacement will used for Mills, while former skipper Ricky Scarboro is expected to come in for Martin.

One rider Oxford will expect to come good again is 16 year-old Jamie Courtney, who blasted a paid 20 against Armadale on Friday.

Courtney said: "I'd like to say a big thank you to Pete Seaton (a former Oxford rider), because he gave me an engine, and it was so quick.

On Friday night, Oxford host the Todd Wiltshire Farewell Meeting - 'The Final Ride'.

A star-studded line up has been put together to honour the career of one of Oxford's adopted sons.

Billy Hamill will make a rare British appearance and will be signing copies of his book, 'No Bull'.

Wiltshire has retired after a glittering career which saw him established as a top Grand Prix rider even in his final year.

Oxford Academy: Rider-replacement, Ben Barker, Danny Norton, Craig Branney, Chris Schramm, Ricky Scarboro, Jamie Courtney.