We never doubted that the people of Oxfordshire would respond generously to our appeal to raise cash for the Oxford Children's Hospital.

But we have still been overwhelmed by the efforts of our readers.

We have related many tales of big-hearted fundraisers putting themselves out for this worthy cause.

Top of the list today is young Zoe Mace, whose enthusiasm, commitment and sheer talent have ensured that her CD, Little Ray of Light, has all but sold out in shops around the county.

She has raised a staggering £27,000.

To her -- and to all those who continue to think up ingenious ways of encouraging people to donate -- we say a hearty thank you.

Thanks, too, to all of you who have bought the CD.

Many no doubt bought it as a special Christmas present for a loved-one.

Your donation makes it a double gift, ensuring our dream of a dedicated hospital for the region's young people becomes a reality.

We also wish Zoe's little sister Jodie all the very best in her recovery from a viral infection.