A second child has been knocked over after stepping off a school bus, three days after another was injured at the same spot.

The girl, who has not been named, is believed to have got off a school bus in Merton Road, Ambrosden, near Bicester, on March 10 at about 3.45pm, walked in front of the bus and was hit by a van.

On Monday, an 11-year-old girl was hit by a minibus after she left a school bus which was also taking secondary school pupils home from Cooper School and Bicester Community College.

Then fire cadet Lee Wilkinson, 14, of Park Rise, Ambrosden, used his new-found first-aid skills to help her until paramedics arrived.

She was in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, for two days with skull injuries and is expected to be off school recovering for several weeks.

Ray Walters, who saw yesterday's accident, said: "I was just coming out of my drive when it happened.

"I pulled up and made sure she was all right, made sure an ambulance was called and got the road closed.

"I just kept an eye on her until the ambulance came. She got a bump on the head -- she had cut the back of her head. I don't think she was badly hurt."

Mr Walters, chairman of Ambrosden Parish Council, said: "It's just bizarre the accidents happened in the same week.

"traffic calming measures are in the programme for this year, but I don't think traffic calming measures would have made a difference."

Mr Walters said he planneds to contact the girls' school to find out if the bus would be redirected to drop off and pick up children at a different spot in the village.

Fire cadet Lee Wilkinson was later praised by the fire service and county council for his prompt action.