Further to his examination of staffing levels at the city council, your correspondent, Vim Rodrigo (Oxford Mail, March 3), may wish to take a look at what has been happened just down the road at County Hall.

In the winter of 2002, Oxfordshire County Council employed some 16,000 people.

By the end of 2003, this had risen to 18,000 and by the autumn of 2004, the figure stood at 18,840.

This represents an increase, in just under two years, of almost 3,000 new staff.

At the same time, county councillor Don Seale tells us (Oxford Mail, March 15) that 80 per cent of Oxfordshire's adult care services are being provided by private companies at a cost of £130m a year.

Could it be, perhaps, that our new county council management regime is indulging in a degree of 'empire building' at the taxpayer's expense? PETER NEAL, Eason Drive, Abingdon