Abingdon mayor Keith Hasnip cut the ribbon to officially open a £600,000 Minor Injuries Unit at the town's hospital -- and said it was one of the happiest events he had attended during his term of office.

The new MIU, which opened on Monday (March 21), expects to treat up to 5,000 patients a year suffering from injuries such as sprains, burns and broken noses, and relieve pressure on the John Radcliffe Hospital's casualty department in Oxford.

Mr Hasnip said: "This unit will save journeys to Oxford and end the horror of trying to find a parking space there.

"The unit is vital for the hospital because for some time we have been worried about its future."

The mayor added: "This is a very important and happy day for Abingdon."

Lead nurse at the unit Peter McGrane said: "The value of this unit cannot be over-stated for communities and the hospital."