I have always found the few weeks before a General Election a period where I am in a state of euphoria.

Life becomes interesting and enjoyable as I watch and listen to politicians declaring all the wonderful things they intend to do to make my life better and free of worry.

If only I could believe their promises, it wouldn't matter to me who won as they all have said that I would be better off.

No more worries as taxes will be low, leaving me with more money to spend.

Hospital waiting times would no longer be a problem as operations would be available within weeks.

Appointments to see a doctor, dentist or consultant would be available at an instant as the NHS would be transformed within months.

Houses at affordable prices and rents would be there for the taking and mortgages would no longer be a millstone around one's neck.

Pensioners would get a decent pension and with the many handouts and discounts available, life would be worth living. Somehow, I know this Utopia will not come my way. Like insurance policies which you thought were watertight, you soon learn when making a claim that they are full of holes.

All those wonderful things promised by the parties will not be for me because, like many, I fall on the wrong side to benefit.

However, at least for about three weeks, I can enjoy a dream. I dread waking up to the real world on May 6, 2005.

Vim Rodrigo

Rivermead Road

Rose Hill
