Sir – From Sushila Dhall’s letter (March 25), it seems that she has muddled her objectives in relation to Frideswide Square.

She enthusiastically proclaims the idea of holding up traffic in queues, but then talks about wanting to stop pollution in the city centre.

Surely, it makes more sense to enable cars to get to the car parks and for delivery and service vehicles to get to their city centre destinations as quickly as possible, reducing the exhaust fumes suffered by pedestrians and cyclists from waiting traffic.

The current, cumbersome layout at Frideswide Square is the most significant cause of tailbacks in the city, leading to unnecessary delays and, no doubt, many missed trains and appointments.

A two-roundabout system should do a lot to improve the traffic flow, helping drivers to make more effective use of their time.

However, such a change should not be solely for the benefit of drivers of motorised vehicles. It is imperative that pedestrians and cyclists have good and safe access through and across the square.

Graham Jones, For ROX, Rescue Oxford