WATLINGTON residents campaigning to save a church hall appear to have lost their battle.

St Leonard’s parochial church council is going ahead with plans to refurbish the church, funded by selling the church hall site.

In January more than 80 people packed in Watlington Town Hall to protest at the plans. If the sale goes ahead, opponents fear the site will be used for housing.

Rector the Rev Christopher Evans said: “We would be happy to see the hall bought by a local community group. Our council decided to provide any interested group with six months to come up with a viable business plan, and a deadline of March 2011 for full funding of the purchase.”

It aimed to turn the church into “an ideal venue” for community events and activities, as well as services.

Church council chairman Barbara Williamson said: “The church will become a perfect setting for music, drama, clubs, classes, dinners, exhibitions, and all kinds of recreational activities – as well as for worship and prayer.”