Judaism and Islam stoned people to death and Islam severs people’s hands, but Christianity never taught either.

Bernadette Downes (letters, March 2) should explain whether she was merely misinformed or was deliberately smearing Christianity.

Mick Heavey (letters, February 16) sarcastically cites Gospels, in which Jesus fed 5,000 people.

He misses Genesis 2 in which God put man “in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it” – not wreck its biodiversity and climate.

Meat is a very inefficient food source. Creating one calorie’s worth of meat takes between six and 26 calories’ worth of animal feed. Much of this comes from crops.

Huge tracts of rainforest are felled to grow soya, mostly for animal feed.

I am vegetarian because over-consumption of meat in developed countries helps to wreck the world’s climate.

Eating fish is scarcely better. Numerous species are over-fished and deep-sea fishing is dangerous work. Farmed seafood is inferior and fish farms repeatedly spread disease and pollution to wild fish.

In less-developed countries meat is a luxury.

As countries develop, peoples’ meat consumption rapidly increases.

Intensive farming makes meat too cheap and fosters over-consumption.

This endangers the world’s environment and food supply. There is not enough land for 6.8 billion humans to eat meat as much as the UK.

Christianity and common sense teach us to protect the Earth. Intensive farming must stop, and meat prices must reflect its environmental cost.

Meat can be sustainable, but only as an expensive treat.

Hugh Jaeger, Park Close, Oxford