A JUDGE yesterday told a Chinese businesswoman from Oxford to spend the next year learning English after she rammed her husband’s car through a fence off a busy street.

Wei Cai , 31, was rowing with Mr Cai when she drove her Audi Q7 4x4 into his Audi saloon near the parade of shops in Rose Hill on August 8 last year.

Her actions, witnessed by several pedestrians, caused extensive damage to both cars and forced the saloon up the pavement and into a fence.

At Oxford Crown Court yesterday, the defendant, a Chinese national of Maywood Road, Iffley, spoke through an interpreter and admitted dangerous driving and causing damage to property.

Having fined her £1,000, a victims’ surcharge of £15, costs of £500 and banned her from driving for a year, Judge Julian Hall remarked: “I shouldn’t say this, but I will.

“I would spend the next 12 months learning English. It would make life a lot easier.”

Last night, a Chinese community leader, who did not want to be named, said: “Dangerous driving is dangerous driving. Learning English is learning English, they are two separate things.

“There is no relationship bet-ween the two, it is illogical for him to say that and I think it could be offensive.”

Another said: “If he said it with good intentions then maybe the lady should thank him.”

Delivering his sentence, Judge Hall told Cai: “This was a domestic incident played out in public.

“In driving as you did, you put a lot of people at risk, but the main target of your driving was your husband, and the result of your dangerous driving was that both of your cars were badly damaged.

“This was a very unusual domestic incident played out in public.”

Matthew Walsh, prosecuting, said: “Witnesses saw the car accelerate at speed into the saloon, hitting it with such force it caused it to mount the pavement sideways towards the corner of the road.”

He said £500 worth of damage was caused to the fence, which belonged to Lucy Spackman.

The court heard Cai, a mother-of-one, had since reconciled with her business partner husband. She was also ordered to take an extended driving test before regaining her licence.
