A HEADTEACHER has praised the hard work of his school after it attained a ‘good’ rating during an Ofsted inspection.

Four inspectors visited Wantage CofE Primary School, in Newbury Street, last month.

The school, which has 444 pupils, was also judged to have some outstanding features.

In the report, inspector Alison Cartlidge said: “Pupils’ achievement is outstanding because their attainment is high by the end of Year Six. Pupils are confident and articulate, and consequently they are good at taking responsibility for a wide range of tasks within school.”

Teachers were also praised.

Headteacher Phil Hibbs, pictured celebrating with Year Four pupils, said: “The requirements for reaching an overall good grade in an Ofsted inspection are becoming increasingly rigorous.

“We are and have always been a good school and we will continue to strive for the best for our children in the future.”

Chairman of governors Dick Peters said: “While governors do their best to create the best possible environment by their decisions on overall strategy, it is thanks to the unstinting efforts of a dedicated staff and the efforts of the children themselves that make the school the success it is.” Picture: David Fleming