COMMUNITY projects are being invited to gain recognition from the Oxford Preservation Trust.

Its awards scheme, now in its 33rd year, has added a community award to the categories.

Now the trust wants to hear from groups which have completed projects that benefit or involve the community.

Set up in 1977, the awards recognise preservation work across the city, and there are now five categories – new building, conservation, landscape enhancement, small project and community.

Trust director Debbie Dance said: “The idea of the new award is a recognition of the way groups and neighbourhoods can make a difference.

“We have seen an increasing number of projects of this nature come forward in recent years and now they have a category of their own.

“A place is about its people and nowhere is this more true than in Oxford with its rich and diverse communities.

“We hope that local people will come forward with their ideas of what makes a better place.”

The awards are open to everyone – from individuals who may have refurbished something at their home, such as railings, to major projects by professionals.

All projects must be accessible to the public or seen from a public place.

Ms Dance said: “The idea is just to recognise the excellent work people are doing.

“Thirty years ago it was more about Oxford Preservation Trust having looked and saying it liked things, but now we ask the public to put forward more ideas.”

Steven Sensecall, senior planning partner at awards sponsor Kemp & Kemp Property Consultants, said: “We are delighted to support the trust in this way, and what better way to celebrate Oxford and our own involvement here for more than 50 years.”

Nominations close on Friday, April 23, and the awards ceremony is in October.

To enter, visit oxford, call the trust on 01865 242918 or email