Your readers will undoubtedly recognise Girl Guiding UK as a girl-led, dynamic organisation, relevant to today – or will they?

Guiding’s been around for a long time now – in fact 100 years – and many people will naturally remember it as it was in their youth, not realising how it has moved with the times to remain appealing to the modern girl.

As we celebrate our centenary, Guiding is giving girls the skills, experiences and opportunities they need to reach for new goals and succeed in the modern world, plus fun and friendship as well. But that is nothing new – throughout our existence we’ve touched the lives of countless girls and young women. We are the largest voluntary youth organisation in the country, and half the UK female population has at some point in time been a member.

Last weekend marked the halfway point of our year-long centenary celebrations and in Witney we are celebrating with One World One Beat – a UK-wide music, dance and drama festival for all our young members, from five to 25. It’s an ideal opportunity for your readers to get in touch with the organisation and find out about how they can contribute to help tomorrow’s young women.

Whether they are former members or not, we’re keen to hear from any reader who would like to join or help. Please use our ‘Join us’ number 0800 1695901 or email Lyn Goddard, Windrush Division Commissioner