I am writing with some concern over the remarks made publicly by the Leader of Oxfordshire County Council, Keith Mitchell, in your paper (February 18).

The remarks showed a level of misunderstanding at the highest level of our local government that saddens and surprises me.

The FBU supports the efforts of the Fire Authority to consolidate fire cover throughout the county as a whole.

The county’s firefighters have never claimed that there will be a reduction in the number of fire engines available in Didcot and Abingdon.

However, there will be a reduction in the number of fire engines available in the city of Oxford should this proposal be implemented.

It is outrageous to claim that firefighters are objecting to this proposal on the basis of personal circumstances. Firefighters in Didcot and Abingdon, both wholetime and retained, are stating that these proposals will mean an unacceptable increase in the time taken for a fire engine to get to those people who are faced with a life threatening emergency.

There is 100 per cent support for opposition to this proposal from wholetime and retained firefighters at these two stations.

The phrase “cut backs” refers to a reduction in the standard of fire cover in these two communities. This proposal means it will take minutes longer for a fire engine to reach your home.

The Fire Service’s own literature states: “seconds count – smoke kills in seconds!” This delay, on average between three and five minutes, will potentially have a massive impact on the safety of the public.

There have been several incidents over the public consultation period that the fire service has attended and carried out rescues. The “marginally slower” attendance time would have, in all likelihood, led to serious injury or loss of life at these incidents.

Council members have an obligation to seek all the information about issues like this, so they can make an informed decision. Indications are perhaps, that at the moment, they are not in possession of all of these facts.

Our county’s politicians should be fully aware when they vote on issues such as this, that they are making decisions that may very well put people’s lives at risk.

The Fire Brigades Union wonders what the county council’s Chief Executive would make of this public letter condemning the motives of firefighters at Didcot and Abingdon. STEVE ALLEN, Oxfordshire Chair, Fire Brigades Union