Having read the Mayor Of Witney’s reasons for not backing Witney as a Fairtrade Town, I would like to observe that Banbury became one in 2006.

As such it gives the message that it is a caring town which is eager to support justice and fairness in trade worldwide – so that those caught up in poverty have ways of working their way out of povery while retaining their dignity.

The town council backs this by having a councillor on the steering group.

This is often difficult for that councillor who cannot always attend meetings because of other commitments but who keeps the council in the loop.

The town council does not support finacially, except by making the Town Hall available occasionally so that Fairtrade events can be held there.

I cannot accept that we in Banbury are doing anything but educating and informing the public of the principals of Fairtrade and giving them the opportunity to shop ethically.

Peggy Myer, Member of Banbury Fairtrade, Steering Group