I WRITE regarding your article on Mr Foggett and his crocodiles (Oxford Mail, January 26).

I thought that at my ripe old age, I had probably come across most surprises, but the idea of being allowed to keep and breed crocodiles in your home – in a purpose-built building in a built-up area has got to be the most amazing thing I’ve read for a long while.

What is Mr Foggett thinking of?

He says the crocodiles grow to as much as four metres long.

He has three children playing around the area but says they are used to the situation.

We are talking about crocodiles. He says people “think they lie in rivers waiting to attack people walking past”.

Well Mr Foggett, they do just that... and do so at the first chance they get.

Those who get too complacent will also get attacked. And, believe me, they are not fussy when a good meal is in sight – children are not excluded.

We have recently heard of pet dogs who have turned on their owners, especially children, and have killed them.

Of course, these dogs have been mostly of the ‘Staffy’ type. But doesn’t this ring alarm bells?

What about the day that someone gets fed up with their pet croc’ and decides to get rid of it – maybe into the nearest pond or river.

As daft as it may seem, this type of people are about. And we would then have a real problem, wouldn’t we?

I can’t believe that an authority would give anyone permission to keep such dangerous creatures in public.

If you truly loved and respected these creatures, you should return them to the domain where they belong.

I can see no good coming from this; only disaster. I hope and pray that no one will come to any harm in this dangerous venture.

And, if an authority is allowing this to take place, and harm does then come to anyone, they too must be held responsible.

Mr Foggett, please take these creatures back where they belong, and view the creatures in their natural, wild, beautiful environment.

You will then show yourself to be a man who truly loves crocodiles.

BILL GOODWIN, Pebble Hill, Radley