The sounds of birds and children Throughout the year the Sutton Courtenay Environmental Education Centre (SCEEC ), pictured below, is buzzing with the songs of birds mixed in with the excited voices of the many schoolchildren who visit the centre. But in these quieter winter months, with fewer children around, the birds feel a bit more confident to take over the grounds.

With the hardships of the cold weather still upon us, birds have to work extra hard just to keep themselves fed. Cold snaps and snowy spells severely affect their regular food supply.

Dark days leave little time to forage, and snow covers up food on the ground and in the trees. Birds can puff out their feathers to try to keep warm, but they also need to find extra food.

A helping hand There are a few simple things you can do in your garden to help birds make it through to the warmer months. You can put food out on the ground or on the roof of your garden shed. Small bits of stale bread or leftover toast will be hoovered up at this time of year. If you have bird feeders in your garden it is important to keep them fully stocked.

Small seeds like millet will help attract house sparrows and collared doves. While flaked maize is a favourite of blackbirds, and greenfinches relish peanuts and sunflower seeds.

This has been such a cold winter, that even very shy birds like fieldfares have been seen in backyard gardens looking for whatever sustenance they can find.

Birds also need water all winter long so make sure that bird baths have free-flowing water.

Add a kettle of hot water to melt any ice and provide water to drink and bathe in. Or break some holes in the ice at the edge of your garden pond so that the birds can reach fresh water.

Fun feeding birds This half-term we are running a series of activities around the theme of “feed the birds” at SCEEC.

There will be lots of fun activities for kids and parents; create your own bird food recipes, make some fabulous wild art to take home and try our wildlife quiz.

Why not drop in between Monday and Friday (February 15-19) any time from 10am to 3pm. You can even bring a picnic lunch if you dare!

To find out more about the event at SCEEC call 01235 862024, or email For other events and opportunities to volunteer with BBOWT go to