Ihad the singular good fortune earlier in the week to find a £5 note as I cycled up the Cowley Road. Having picked it up, and with no obvious claimant in sight – what I first took to be one turned out to be a butcher’s shop mannekin – I put it in my pocket. It will be going to charity, of course.

The incident reminded me of one that occurred a few years ago in my neighbourhood of Osney. Rosemarie and I were heading for a pint, or possibly two, in the Holly Bush when she found a couple of £10 notes on the pavement.

Only one thing to do with them in the circumstances. Arriving at the pub, she decided to distribute the bounty among our friends gathered there by buying a very large round.

Ordering and paying was just complete when our pal Roger arrived, saying: “I don’t suppose anybody’s found twenty quid in the road . . .”

It therefore turned out a very expensive piece of good luck.