TALK about irony.

Skier Colin May was due to fly out to France today for a weekend on the piste, but has spent much of the past week using his cross country skis to get to and from work.

Mr May, 59, of Barracks Lane, East Oxford, works for Oxfordshire County Council’s social and community services department in Between Towns Road.

And for the past few days he has been skiing along Cowley Road in a bid to beat the big freeze.

Mr May said: “It is all a bit ironic because I was due to fly out to Geneva from London Oxford Airport for a weekend skiing — how’s that for bad timing?

“Travelling by ski is quicker than the car. People have been very friendly as I have skied past them. I have had cars flashing their lights and one van driver lifted his cap when he saw me.

“People have also stopped me and asked to take photographs.

“We deal with vulnerable people, so it was crucial those of us that lived nearby arrived at work to check up and see whether they were alright.

“Emergencies do not stop because of the weather.”

The snow proved no barrier to Mr May’s colleague, care manager and marathon runner Julian Richardson, who has been running from Kennington, dropping in to check up on vulnerable clients on the way to work.

And, during the course of the week, more than 30 farmers have linked up with Oxfordshire County Council to help clear snow in rural parts of the county.

County council officer Huw Jones, director for environment and economy, said: “We’re delighted with the way town and district councils and volunteers, such as the farmers, have worked with us.

“We know that yet more cold weather and snow is forecast, so we are pulling our plans together with our partners so that we are ready for that.”